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直销是一种营销渠道组织方式。人们自然明白营销的涵义,也知道它的核心是4PS的组合,即产品(PR0DUCT)、价格(PRICE)、渠道(PRACE)和促销(PROMOTION)的营销组合。当直销传人中国的时候,人们首先对价格策略感兴趣,继而对促销策略感兴趣,正如现在的广告大战、促销大战所表现的那样,很少有企业对渠道策略感兴趣。在这些企业眼中,渠道无非是批发商,零售商,有 Direct marketing is a marketing channel organization. People naturally understand the meaning of marketing and also know that its core is the 4PS combination of PRODUCT, PRICE, PRACE, and PROMOTION. When direct sales were introduced to China, people were initially interested in pricing strategies and then were interested in sales promotion strategies. Few companies are interested in channel strategies, as the current advertising campaigns and promotion campaigns show. In the eyes of these companies, the channel is nothing more than wholesalers, retailers, there
Our goal is to map the different geological features using satellite remotely sensed images of Cyprus acquired both from Landsat5/7 TM/ETM+,ASTER and Quickbird
The Dajiuhu Basin at Shennongjia,located within typical East Asian Monsoon region,preserves a sub-alpine sphagnum peat deposition in its central area.The topmos
In the past years we carried out further stratigraphy division in field and it is found that rich stone artifacts can be found in fluvial-shallow lake-alluvial
For the Doushantuo cap carbonate at the Jiulongwan section in the Yangtze Gorges, its concentrations of redox sensitive elements suggest two distinct enrichment
The great Wenchuan earthquake of M8.0 on May 12,2008,occurred in an area with dense GPS observation stations in the regional network of the Crustal Movement Obs