Numerical simulation of a buried hot crude oil pipeline during shutdown

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libolb666
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In this paper a mathematical model is built for a buried hot crude oil pipeline during shutdown,and an unstructured grid and polar coordinate grid are respectively applied to generating grids for the soil region and the three layers in the pipe(wax layer,pipe wall,and corrosion-inhibiting coating) . The governing equations are discretized using the fi nite volume method. The variations in temperatures of static oil and soil were investigated during pipeline shutdown in both summer and winter,in which some important parameters of the soil and crude oils of a Northeast pipeline are employed. In this paper a mathematical model is built for a buried hot crude oil pipeline during shutdown, and an unstructured grid and polar coordinate grid are for applied soil grids for the soil region and the three layers in the pipe (wax layer, pipe wall, The governing equations are discretized using the fi nite volume method. The variations in temperatures of static oil and soil were investigated during during pipeline shutdown in both summer and winter, in which some important parameters of the soil and crude oils of a Northeast pipeline are employed.
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