Long-Term and Immediate Impacts of Health Emergency and Disaster Risk Management (Health-EDRM) Educa

来源 :国际灾害风险科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyre1981
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Ma’an Qiao Village,a Dai and Yi ethnic minority-based community in Sichuan Province,China sustained complete infrastructure devastation during the 2008 Panzhihua earthquake.Health emergency and disaster risk management (Health-EDRM) education intervention programs were implemented in 2010 and 2011.This serial cross-sectional survey study aimed to examine the immediate and long-term impacts of the Health-EDRM interventions in this remote rural community.The findings demonstrate knowledge improvement in areas of water and sanitation,food and nutrition,and disaster preparedness immediately after the Health-EDRM education interventions.Temporal stability of knowledge retention was observed in household hygiene and waste management and smoking beliefs in 2018,7 years after the interventions.Other important findings include knowledge uptake patt differences of oral rehydration solution (ORS) between earthquake-prone and flood-prone communities.Usage of Intet and mobile technology for accessing disaster-related information was found to be independent of gender and income.Overall,this study demonstrated the knowledge improvement through Health-EDRM education interventions in a remote rural community.Promoting behavioral changes through interventions to raise awareness has the potential to reduce health risks in transitional post-disaster settings.Future programs should aim to identify evidence-based practices and explore how technology can support Health-EDRM education among vulnerable subgroups.
Disasters result from complex interactions of hazards and vulnerability conditions.Reducing human exposure and sensitivity to threats can reduce disaster impact
[摘 要] 当前我国 “汉语热”持续升温,但汉语国际教育师资队伍却不能满足目前汉语教学发展的需要。因此,建设一支专业水平高、相对稳定的师资队伍,对于提升汉语作为第二语言教学的质量和促进汉语国际教育事业的推广至关重要。高校应大力建设和培养国际汉语师资队伍,帮助解决汉语国际推广中的合格师资短缺问题。  [关键词] 高校;汉语国际教育;师资队伍建设  [中图分类号] G645 [文献标志码] A [文章
[摘 要] 随着信息技术的不断进步,人类已经进入了“互联网+”时代。将经济领域的“互联网+”引入教育领域,并进行深度融合,是做好高校教育工作的创新之举。高校网络思想政治教育,要充分利用“互联网+”时代的优势和便利,结合人本性、交互性、开放性、法治理念等互联网思维来开展工作,通过内容创新、方式创新、载体整合、依法治网,达到教育实效。  [关键词] 互联网 ;大学生;思想政治教育  [中图分类号] G
花生(Arachis hypogaea L.)是我国重要的油料作物、经济作物和出口创汇作物。花生籽仁的饱满程度直接影响其产量和品质,植物激素在花生籽仁生长发育过程中起重要的调控作用。本研究选用荚果和籽仁生长发育正常的品系05D610及其籽仁皱缩变异品系05D677为材料。在相同种植条件下,测定两品系不同组织中GA和ABA含量;分析基因表达谱中与激素合成相关代谢途径基因表达的差异;荚果膨大阶段初期外
[摘 要] 辅导员是高校日常思想政治教育和教育管理的主力军,优秀研究生担任兼职辅导员是加强高校辅导员队伍建设的有效举措。在实践中,研究生担任兼职辅导员有哪些优势,存在哪些不足,如何扬长避短做好工作?本文借助管理学中的SWOT分析法对研究生兼职辅导员的优势、劣势、机会和威胁等内外部环境进行分析,并结合实际对完善兼职辅导员培养路径提供对策建议。  [关键词] 研究生;兼职辅导员;SWOT分析;策略  
This article addresses the increasing need for participatory approaches to disaster reduction at the community level.Based on the author’s 30-year engagement i
Nonfunctionality of engineered water sources after two catastrophic cyclones—Sidr in November 2007 and Aiia in May 2009—created acute scarcity of safe drinkin
[摘 要] 教师专业化发展的研究焦点大致可以分为社会和个人两个维度,从社会维度研究辅导员专业化发展是推进高等教育改革与发展的必然、帮助大学生全面发展的需要,也是助推辅导员专业化发展的前提。以社会维度来探究当下的辅导员专业化发展,专业身份的模糊、政策执行的偏差、社会生态的偏见是其存在的问题。为此,重塑社会价值观、有效实施政策、优化制度建设是社会维度下辅导员专业化发展的策略与未来走向。  [关键词]