
来源 :现代装饰(理论) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gouchiren424
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分析了影响水利工程施工质量的原因,提出了提高水利工程施工质量的措施,以为保障水利工程质量提供参考。水利工程施工,是水利工程建设的重要阶段,是将蓝图变成现实的过程。施工质量直接关系到能否达到工程建设的目的,能否发挥理想的工程效益。目前,我国的水利工程施工管理水平有一定提高,但存在的一些问题也不容忽视。必须采取切实有效的措施,提高施工管理水平,提高工程建设质量。 Analyzes the reasons that affect the construction quality of water conservancy projects, puts forward the measures to improve the construction quality of water conservancy projects, in order to provide a reference for ensuring the quality of water conservancy projects. Water conservancy project construction, is an important stage of water conservancy project construction, the blueprint becomes a reality process. The construction quality is directly related to the ability to achieve the purpose of the project construction, can exert the ideal engineering benefits. At present, China’s water conservancy construction management level has increased to some extent, but some of the problems can not be ignored. We must take effective measures to improve the construction management level and improve the quality of construction.
3月6日,国际香料(中国)有限公司(International Flavors & Fragrances Ltd.,下文简称IFF)食用香精新工厂落成庆典在广州经济技术开发区隆重举行。这家工厂是IFF旗下规模最大
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In this paper, the effect of adding different concentrations of kinetic inhibitors on the induction time of hydrogen sulfide hydrate formation in a reactor equi
血脂康是一种新型纯天然的具有调节异常血脂作用的中药。主要成份是自制红 ,其中含有胆固醇合成酶抑制剂及其它相关成分 ,动物实验及临床研究证实该药具有明显的降低血清总