Jacobian matrix for the inversion of P-and S-wave velocities and its accurate computation method

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lieying110
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The optimization inversion method based on derivatives is an important inversion technique in seismic data processing,where the key problem is how to compute the Jacobian matrix.The computation precision of the Jacobian matrix directly influences the success of the optimization inversion method.Currently,all AVO(Amplitude Versus Offset) inversion techniques are based on approximate expressions of Zoeppritz equations to obtain derivatives.As a result,the computation precision and application range of these AVO inversions are restricted undesirably.In order to improve the computation precision and to extend the application range of AVO inversions,the partial derivative equation(Jacobian matrix equation(JME) for the P-and S-wave velocities inversion) is established with Zoeppritz equations,and the derivatives of each matrix entry with respect to Pand S-wave velocities are derived.By solving the JME,we obtain the partial derivatives of the seismic wave reflection coefficients(RCs) with respect to P-and S-wave velocities,respectively,which are then used to invert for P-and S-wave velocities.To better understand the behavior of the new method,we plot partial derivatives of the seismic wave reflection coefficients,analyze the characteristics of these curves,and present new understandings for the derivatives acquired from in-depth analysis.Because only a linear system of equations is solved in our method,the computation of Jacobian matrix is not only of high precision but also is fast and efficient.Finally,the theoretical foundation is established so that we can further study inversion problems involving layered structures(including those with large incident angle) and can further improve computational speed and precision. The optimization inversion method based on derivatives is an important inversion technique in seismic data processing, where the key problem is how to compute the Jacobian matrix. The computation precision of the Jacobian matrix directly influences the success of the optimization inversion method. Currently, all AVO (Amplitude Versus Offset) inversion techniques are based on approximate expressions of Zoeppritz equations to obtain derivatives. As a result, the computation precision and application range of these AVO inversions are restricted undesirably.In order to improve the computation precision and to extend the application range of AVO inversions, the partial derivative equation (Jacobian matrix equation (JME) for the P-and S-wave velocities inversion) is established with Zoeppritz equations, and the derivatives of each matrix entry with respect to Pand S-wave velocities are derived. By solving the JME, we obtain the partial derivatives of the seismic wave reflection coefficients (RCs) with res pect to P-and S-wave velocities, respectively, which are then used to invert for P-and S-wave velocities. To better understand the behavior of the new method, we plot partial derivatives of the seismic wave reflection coefficients, analyze the characteristics of these curves, and present new understandings for the derivatives acquired from in-depth analysis.Because only a linear system of equations is solved in our method, the computation of Jacobian matrix is ​​not only of high precision but also is fast and efficient. Finally, the theoretical foundation is established so that we can further study inversion problems involving layered structures (including those with large incident angles) and can further improve computational speed and precision.
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<正> 经国家教委批准,1993年12月厦门大学哲学系正式建立社会工作专业。 厦门大学哲学系自1985年开始筹办社会工作专业。1988年创办社会工作与管理并开始招收本科生,至今已招收6届本科生共107人,已毕业两届40人,目前有在校生67人。除本科生外,该系还不断拓宽培养方向,走多渠道办学的道路。自1988年以来,该系将原来的党政干部基础理论专修科改为社会工作与管理,目前该专修科在校生有24人。1993年该系还招收了32名社会保险与管理专业的自费大专生。最近,经国家高等教育自学考试指导委员会
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