
来源 :葡萄栽培与酿酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaowoyiao
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葡萄品质优良,营养丰富,是鲜食水果中的佳品之一。又以其对风土适应性强,枝蔓柔软,便于防寒,而且结果早,产量高,收益快而多,近年成为北方寒地发展最快的果树。但由于葡萄浆果肉软汁多,用一般水果贮藏方法难以保存,致使供应期短,不能满足人们经常食用的要求。为了延长供应期,国外曾作过很多研究,并已获得成功,有的国家已经实现了周年供应,但其设备较贵,操作较繁,不适于我国目前情况。根据北方寒地特点,自1977年起,我们着手研究当地应用的葡萄简易贮藏技术,1979年试验成 Grapes of good quality, nutrient-rich, is one of the best products in fresh fruits. With its strong adaptability to the terrain, soft dendrites, easy to cold, and the results of early, high yield, quick and more, in recent years become the fastest growing northern cold fruit trees. However, due to the grapes pulp soft juicy, with the general method of storing fruits is difficult to save, resulting in a short supply period, can not meet people’s regular consumption requirements. In order to prolong the supply period, many studies have been done abroad and have been successful. Some countries have already achieved annual supply but their equipment is expensive and the operation is complicated, which is not suitable for the current situation in our country. According to the characteristics of the northern cold, since 1977, we started to study the local application of simple grape storage technology, 1979 test into
专家建议,当你在咳嗽或打喷嚏的时候,千万别忘了捂住口鼻,因为你咳嗽一声会喷出多达2万个病毒,这足以传染很多人,尤其是那些没有接种疫苗的人。 Experts suggest that when
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在上海援疆队伍中,有一位从事摄影工作40多年的摄影人,他就是长期在摄影园地里辛勤耕耘的张鹤龄先生。 Among the team of aid workers in Shanghai, there is a photograph