
来源 :齐齐哈尔师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y2228158
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抗战初期,我们党的军事战略方针,由国内战争后期的正规军和运动战,转变为游击军和游击战。这一转变是非常重要和必要的。战略转变的实现,使抗日战争成为人民战争,这为整个抗日战争的发展奠定了最坚实的基础。 1937年前后,中国的政治、军事形势发生了巨大的变化。中国共产党审时度势,积极促成国共合作的统一战线局面的形成。中国共产党的政治路线实现了转变,这就为军事战略转变提供了前提和基础。 抗日战争爆发后,国内的阶级战争转变为民族战争,中国人民的主要敌人是日本帝国主义,日本是一个军力、经济力和政治组织力都比较强的国家,它实行的是以灭亡中国为目的的侵略政策和战争政策。由于日本帝国主义大规模武装进攻,使中华民族处于生死存亡的关头。因此,中国共产党和全国人民的主要任务是战胜日本帝国主义,驱逐日本帝国主义出中国。 中国共产党和它领导的红军在十年内战期间受到很大削弱,全军只有四万多人,武器装备差,主要根据地在陕北;江南的红军游击队还分散在八省边界的十三个地区。但是中国共产党领导的人民军队都是经过长征考验的革命精华,有着良好的政治素质和高度的组织纪律性,熟悉游击战,更重要的是,这支军队来自人民,服务于人民的革命队伍,这是抗日民族革命战争中最为宝贵的。比起几十 In the early days of the war of resistance against Japan, our party’s military strategy was transformed from regular army and mobile warfare in the latter part of the domestic war into guerrillas and guerrilla warfare. This change is very important and necessary. The realization of the strategic transformation made the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression a people’s war, which laid the most solid foundation for the entire anti-Japanese war. Around 1937, the political and military situation in China underwent tremendous changes. The Communist Party of China looks at the situation and actively promotes the formation of the united front of the Kuomintang-Communist cooperation. The political line of the Chinese Communist Party has been transformed. This provides the prerequisite and basis for the strategic transformation of the military. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the class war in China turned into a national war. The main enemy of the Chinese people was Japanese imperialism. Japan was a country with relatively strong military strength, economic power and political organization. It pursued a policy of extinction of China The policy of aggression and war. Due to the large-scale armed attack by the Japanese imperialists, the Chinese nation is at a crucial juncture in its survival. Therefore, the main task of the Chinese Communist Party and the people throughout the country is to defeat Japanese imperialism and to expel Japanese imperialism out of China. The Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army led by it were greatly weakened during the 10-year civil war. The total number of troops in the army was only 40,000. Weapons and equipment were poorly equipped and the main base was in northern Shaanxi. The Red Army guerrillas in the south of the Yangtze River were also scattered in thirteen area. However, the people’s army under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party are all revolutionary essences tested by the Long March. They have good political qualities and a high degree of organizational discipline and are familiar with guerrilla warfare. More importantly, this army is from the people and serves the revolutionary ranks of the people. It is the most precious war against Japanese national revolution. Compared to dozens
邓小平同志根据领导中国革命和建设的多年实践及对社会发展的科学分析,提出了“科学技术是第一生产力”这一重大科学命题,这是对马克思主义生产力理论的重大发展。 “科学技