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出生在纽约犹太人家庭的马克·扎克伯格在纽约读了一年高中,就转学到菲利普斯埃克塞特学院。他在那里学习拉丁文,并成为古典文学爱好者。在一张椭圆形木桌边,他跟其他11名学生阅读艰涩难懂的长诗《埃涅伊德》。“世界无所边界,伟大没有尽头。”他已领悟到这是特洛伊勇士埃涅阿斯对建立自己城市帝国的欲望和追寻。之后,考入哈佛大学的马克·扎克伯格创建了社交帝国Facebook,成为继比尔·盖茨之后最著名的哈佛辍学生。另外,小说家丹·布朗的高中时期,也在埃克塞特学院度过。每天放学,他花费好几个小时,在一张圆桌上孜孜不倦地研究横纵字谜游戏,以及易位构词法。他的父亲理查德·布朗在学校担任过29年数学老师。很多年后,丹·布朗回到母校担任英语老师,在圆桌上构思了一个哈佛符号学教授调查卢浮宫馆长被杀案的故事,最终《达·芬奇密码》让丹·布朗成为美国知名畅销书作家。对于菲利普斯埃克塞特的师生 Mark Zuckerberg, a New York-born Jewish family, took a year at New York High School and moved to Phillips Exeter College. He studied Latin there and became a classical literature lover. At an oval wooden table, he and other 11 students read the hard-to-understand poem “Aeneid.” “There is no boundary in the world, no end in the great.” He has realized that this is the desire and pursuit of the Trojan Warrior Aeneas for the establishment of his urban empire. Mark Zuckerberg, then admitted to Harvard University, created social empire Facebook, becoming the most famous Harvard dropout student after Bill Gates. In addition, novelist Dan Brown’s high school, also spent at Exeter College. Every day after school, he spent hours studying the crossword puzzle and transposing words on a roundtable. His father, Richard Brown, served as a math teacher in school for 29 years. Many years later, Dan Brown returned to his alma mater as an English teacher, conceived on the roundtable a Harvard semiotics professor investigating the story of the murder of the Louvre curator, and eventually “Leonardo da Vinci Code” made Dan Brown the United States Well known bestseller. For Phillips Exeter teachers and students
目的:探讨一种在无囊膜支撑条件下,不制作三角形巩膜瓣、经巩膜缝线固定后房型人工晶状体(posterior chamber intraocular lens,PCIOL)的手术方法和疗效.方法:病例系列研究.
目的:探讨特殊类型白内障超声乳化手术注意事项,为提高这类手术治疗效果提供帮助.方法:回顾性分析了2005 年以来合并角膜病变158 例、抗青光眼手术后245 例、瞳孔异常(小瞳孔