
来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:XULIANSHUAI
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运用等离子喷涂技术在C45E4基材上制备了Cu/Ag/石墨复合材料涂层。利用HST-100销-盘式摩擦磨损试验机,研究了不同电流强度对Cu/Ag/石墨复合材料涂层摩擦磨损行为的影响。利用场发射扫描电镜、能谱仪和X射线衍射技术对涂层结构、相组成、磨损形貌和磨屑进行了表征。涂层结构分析表明:Cu/Ag合金形成了连续的导电通道而沉积的石墨颗粒具有明显的平行于基材的取向。随着电流从0 A增加到50 A,复合材料涂层的磨损率随之增大,而且磨损率与施加的接触压力和滑动速度有紧密的联系。在本实验中,观察到在相同接触压力和滑动速度条件下,摩擦系数与电流强度几乎无关的现象。石墨转移膜和氧化物层是形成稳定滑动的主要因素。没有电流时,磨损机理主要是磨粒磨损,但随着电流的增强,电磨损变为滑动过程中复合材料的主要磨损机理。 Cu / Ag / graphite composite coatings were prepared on C45E4 substrates by plasma spray technique. The effect of different current intensities on the tribological behavior of Cu / Ag / graphite composite coatings was investigated by using HST-100 pin-disc friction and wear tester. The structure, phase composition, wear morphology and wear debris of the coating were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The analysis of the coating structure shows that the Cu / Ag alloy forms a continuous conductive channel and the deposited graphite particles have obvious parallel orientation to the substrate. As the current increases from 0 A to 50 A, the wear rate of the composite coating increases, and the wear rate is closely related to the applied contact pressure and sliding speed. In this experiment, it is observed that under the same contact pressure and sliding speed, the phenomenon that the friction coefficient is almost independent of the current intensity is observed. Graphite transfer films and oxide layers form the main factor for stable sliding. In the absence of current, the wear mechanism is mainly abrasive wear, but as the current increases, electrical wear becomes the main wear mechanism of the composite during sliding.
本文评介了Simon Borg的近作《语言教学中的教师研究:一项批判性分析》(Teacher Research in Language Teaching:A Critical Analysis)。文章对该书主要内容和结构体例进行了
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