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一工作概况(一)收案情况:所收案件,包括婚姻纠纷的上诉及初审案件,和因婚姻问题引起犯罪的上诉及覆核案件。计一月份收案一一八起,二月收案八○起,三月份收案一○三起,四月份收案一二三起,五月份一一七起,六月份一五八起,共总收案六九九起。依此数字,除二月份正是农历年间诉讼较少,其余各月收案数逐月上升。经过了婚姻法运动,群众特别是妇女群众提高了觉悟,增强了向封建婚姻恶俗作斗争的勇气,今后一般婚姻纠纷还要继续上升。另方面由于正确的执行了惩处与教育相结合的政策,因婚姻问题引起的严重犯罪行为,以后将会基本上制止或者显著减少。如现在共收虐杀案件三十八起中,内有三十六起发生在运动前,仅有两起发生在运动以后,而这两起还是发生在栒邑及富平山区(珲有未报省院的所以这数字不够准确)。但这个材料也可以说明这个问题。 I. Work Overview (a) the circumstances of the case: the cases received, including the appeals and preliminary cases of marital disputes, and the crime of marriage caused by appeal and review cases. It counted 118 cases in January, 80 cases in February, 103 cases in March, 123 cases in April, 117 cases in May, and 158 cases in June. A total of 699 cases. Based on this figure, except for February, there were fewer lawsuits during the Lunar New Year, and the number of other monthly recidings rose month by month. After the Marriage Law Movement, the masses, especially the women, raised their awareness and enhanced their courage in fighting feudal marriage and vulgarity. In the future, the general marital disputes will continue to rise. On the other hand, due to the correct implementation of the policy of combating punishment and education, the serious crime caused by marital problems will be basically stopped or significantly reduced in the future. As of the 38 cases of total assassination now, there were 36 cases occurred before the campaign, and only two cases occurred after the campaign. These two cases occurred in Kau Yi Fupi and Fuping Mountain areas So this figure is not accurate enough). But this material can also illustrate this issue.
The remarkable global development of disease-modifying therapies(DMTs) specific for multiple sclerosis(MS) has signifi cantly reduced the frequency of relapse,s
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Q前两天去医院检查,结果显示我患有霉菌性阴道炎。医生说这个病不好痊愈,而且很容易复发。我有点儿担心,如果到了预产期还没有治愈的话,我还可以顺产吗? Q two days before
目的:探究支气管哮喘应用孟鲁司特联合雾化吸入治疗的临床效果。方法 :选取2012年1月至2013年3月在本院呼吸科治疗的支气管哮喘患者46例,按照随机分组原则将哮喘患者分为对照