Effects of environmental factors on seedling growth and anthocyanin content in Betula ‘Royal Frost’

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tandge
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Determining the influences of environmental factors on seedling growth and leaf color may improve our understanding of the chromogenic mechanisms in leaves and the biosynthesis of anthocyanin. To determine the optimum conditions for Betula ‘Royal Frost’ seedling cultivation, we assessed seedling growth and anthocyanin content under natural conditions. The temperature had a significant influence on height but not on radial growth.Between June and September, the anthocyanin content was significantly positively correlated with light intensity and air moisture and significantly negatively correlated with temperature. In single-factor experiments to determine the variation in anthocyanin content in the greenhouse, anthocyanin content increased with increasing soil water content and at first increased, then decreased with increasing p H of the irrigation water and temperature, but decreased with increasing light intensity. K_2SO_4 can increase the anthocyanin content. So to maintain leaf color, seedlings should be cultivated with< 200 lmol m~(-2) s~(-1) light intensity at 20 °C and soil moisture content between 60 and 90%, and the irrigation water should be neutral or alkaline. Additionally, spraying with K_2SO_4 can be beneficial. Determining the influences of environmental factors on seedling growth and leaf color may improve our understanding of the chromogenic mechanisms in leaves and the biosynthesis of anthocyanin. To determine the optimum conditions for Betula ’Royal Frost’ seedling cultivation, we assessed seedling growth and anthocyanin content under The temperature had a significant influence on height but not on radial growth. Butween June and September, the anthocyanin content was significantly correlated with light intensity and air moisture and significantly negatively correlated with temperature. In single-factor experiments to determine the variation in anthocyanin content in the greenhouse, anthocyanin content increased with increasing soil water content and at first increased, then decreased with increasing p H of the irrigation water and temperature, but decreased with increasing light intensity. K_SO_4 can increase the anthocyanin content. So maintain leaf c The seedlings should be cultivated with <200 lmol m -2 s -1 light intensity at 20 ° C and soil moisture content between 60 and 90%, and the irrigation water should be neutral or alkaline. Additionally, spraying with K_2SO_4 can be beneficial.
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