Gastradefurphenol,a minor 9,9'-neolignan with a new carbon skeleton substituted by two p-hydrox

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingjong
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Gastradefurphenol(1),a minor 9.9’-neolignan with a novel carbon skeleton substituted by two phydroxybenzyls was isolated from an aqueous extract of the Gastrodia elata rhizomes(tian ma).Its structure was determined by extensive spectroscopic data analysis.Solvent-dependent free rotational restriction of bonds and equilibrium of two molecular states are discussed by comparison of the NMR spectroscopic data of 1 in acetone-d_6 with those in CD_3OD.A biogenetic pathway of 1 is postulated to be associated with metabolic processes of L-tyrosine. Gastradefurphenol (1), a minor 9.9’-neolignan with a novel carbon skeleton substituted by two phydroxybenzyls was isolated from an aqueous extract of the Gastrodia elata rhizomes (tian ma) .Its structure was determined by extensive spectroscopic data analysis. rotational restriction of bonds and equilibrium of two molecular states are discussed by comparison of the NMR spectroscopic data of 1 in acetone-d_6 with those in CD_3OD. A biogenetic pathway of 1 is postulated to be associated with metabolic processes of L-tyrosine.
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