中国商品住宅合理房价的探讨 ——兼论中国住宅商品化的关键

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当前,中国房地产市场存在的主要矛盾是潜在需求巨大和有效需求不足的矛盾。一方面,我国缺房者众,居住矛盾十分突出。1995年城镇居民人均居住面积7.9平方米,属世界落后水平。95年的有关调查表明,对现有住房不满的达64.5%,有61.8%的家庭愿自购和自建住房。(《中外房地产导报》1996年第13期11页)。另一方面商品房滞销,空置率较高。到95年底,全 At present, the main contradiction existing in China’s real estate market is the contradiction between huge potential demand and insufficient effective demand. On the one hand, there are many people who have no one in their homes and the contradictions in living are prominent. In 1995, the per capita living area of ​​urban residents was 7.9 square meters, belonging to the world’s backward level. Relevant surveys in 1995 showed that 64.8% of the existing housing dissatisfaction reached 61.8% of families willing to purchase and build their own homes. (“Chinese and Foreign Real Estate Herald” 1996 the thirteenth period 11 pages). On the other hand, poor sales of commodity housing, higher vacancy rate. By the end of 1995, all
The Manuscript Collection of Liu Zanting (Hereinafter the Manuscript Collection for short) has very rich contents and various genres. It includes not only the r