Improving corrosion resistance of RE-containing magnesium alloy ZE41A through ECAP

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gmwang2009
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Significant grain refinement was achieved in rare earth (RE) containing aeronautic magnesium alloy ZE41A through equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) using rotary die at 603 K. Influence of ECAP pass number on its microstructure change and corrosion behavior was investigated by optical microscope (OM)/scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation and potentiostatic polarization tests in aqueous solution of NaCl, respectively. The results showed that ultrafine equiaxial grains (about 2.5 μm) were obtained over 16 passes due to plastic-induced grain refinement accommodated by dynamic recrystallization. The lower corrosion current density and nobler corrosion potential correlated with large number of pressing passes were attributed to the low tendency toward localized corrosion with broken secondary phase after homogenization on ultrafine-grained Mg matrix. The multi-pass ECAP method made the ZE41A aeronautic magnesium alloy more attractive since severe plastic deformation may significantly improve its corrosion resistance besides superior mechanical properties. Significant grain refinement was achieved in rare earth (RE) containing aeronautic magnesium alloy ZE41A through equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) using rotary die at 603 K. Influence of ECAP pass number on its microstructure change and corrosion behavior was investigated by optical microscope ( OM) / scanning electron microscope (SEM) observation and potentiostatic polarization tests in aqueous solution of NaCl, respectively. The results showed that ultrafine equiaxial grains (about 2.5 μm) were obtained over 16 passes due to plastic- induced grain refinement accommodated by dynamic recrystallization The lower corrosion current density and nobler corrosion potential correlated with large number of pressing conditions were attributed to the low tendency toward localized corrosion with broken secondary phase after homogenization on ultrafine-grained Mg matrix. The multi-pass ECAP method made the ZE41A aeronautic magnesium alloy more attractive since severe plastic deformation may signific antly improve its corrosion resistance than superior mechanical properties.
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