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海关总署关于对台帐合同变更简化手续等管理问题的通知[本刊讯]国务院决定、自今年7月4日起。除保税区和驻有海关监管人员的保税工厂外,在全国推广实行加工贸易银行保证金台帐制度。为了保证台帐制度的顺利实施,根据国务院领导多次强调要简化台帐手续的指示精神。针... Notice of the General Administration of Customs on Issues Concerning Simplification of Procedures for the Change of Taiwan Contract [Circular] The State Council has decided that starting from July 4 this year. In addition to bonded areas and bonded factories in the custody of the customs, in the country to promote the implementation of processing trade bank deposit account system. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the accounting system, according to the State Council leaders repeatedly stressed the need to simplify the instructions of the accounting procedures. needle...
江苏省东海县曾以盛产水晶而闻名天下 ,现再次成为世界瞩目的焦点 :被誉为“地球望远镜”的中国大陆科学钻探工程于 2 0 0 1年 8月 4日在该县西南部毛北村开工 ,从此拉开了我
十月的北京,秋高气爽,迷人的秋色绚丽缤纷。10月15日至18日,中国地质学会80周年纪念活动在北京集中举行。 10月15日下午,“新中国地质工作50年暨中国地质学会成立80周年纪念
Two eruption episodes are identified through systematic field investigations and K-Ar dating of the late Mesozoic volcanic rocks in the North Huaiyang belt (NHB
近年来世界贸易有着较快的增 长,但国际商品市场继1995年价格出现转软和下跌后,1996年以来仍起伏不稳,未见多大起色。世界贸易和国际商品市场的发展前景如何?值得关注。 贸
Using secondary spinel standard method, we have measured precisely the compositions of spinels of amphibole-bearing mantle peridotite xenoliths from Nushan in e
该文介绍了采用正丁醇替置法生产硫酸钾的新方法,且解决了副产品氧化氢的回收。 This article describes a new method for the production of potassium sulfate using n-bu