I. INTRODUCTION Due to its ability to eliminate occlusions and biased dual-mirror antennas, superior electrical performance can be obtained, which has aroused people’s attention. However, in general, biased two-mirror antennas will generate cross-polarization due to asymmetry. Tanaka and Mizusawa put forward the appropriate choice horn and mirror shaft off angle, can eliminate the main mirror aperture field cross-polarization, referred to as the cross-polarization cross-elimination principle. Using the method proposed by Galindo et al. To control the amplitude and phase distribution of the antenna aperture field can improve the gain or quality factor of the bi-mirrored antenna, which is called modified biased two-mirror antenna. Galindo and Mittra proposed such a method of calculating the antenna, but did not consider the issue of cross-polarization. Taking into account Tanaka and Mizusawa eliminate cross-polarization principle can be used as a calculation of the prototype dual-antenna antenna to reduce cross-polarization. Therefore, this article discusses Tanaka and Mizusawa cross-polarization cross-polarization principle. At the same time, we also put forward a plan