
来源 :国外医学.皮肤病学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sophia_yin104
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作者首次报告1例银屑病患者在应用依曲替酯治疗时发生节段性回肠炎(Crohn 病)。患者女性,47岁,10岁时开始患银屑病,经各种局部治疗、UVB 照射和PUVA 光化学疗法,皆未见效。既往无炎性肠病史。1985年2月,患者45岁时开始服依曲替酯,剂量为0.4~0.75mg/kg/d,银屑病皮疹绝大多数被控制。但出现明显副作用,包括干燥病、唇炎、脱屑和间擦部位皮肤浸渍。服药6个月后,出现胃部胀气感。服药10个月后,腹部不适、大便隐血试验阳性,结肠镜检查发现横结肠中部狭窄,活检标本示急性和慢性炎症,无肉芽肿,符合Crohn 病。服药22个月时,患者出现精神症状、高血钾、反应迟钝及体温不升,遂停服依曲替酯,尽管处理积极,仍数日后死亡。尸检发现死 The authors report for the first time in 1 patient with psoriatic Crohn’s disease Crohn’s disease (Crohn’s disease) occurs when applying ethephon ester therapy. Women, 47 years old, start psoriasis at 10 years of age and have not had any effect after various topical treatments, UVB exposure, and PUVA photochemotherapy. Past history of inflammatory bowel disease. February 1985, the patient started taking tesquitoes at the age of 45, a dose of 0.4 ~ 0.75mg / kg / d, the vast majority of psoriasis rashes are controlled. However, there are obvious side effects, including dryness, cheilitis, scaling and skin rubbing on the skin. After 6 months of medication, flatulence occurred in the stomach. 10 months after taking the drug, abdominal discomfort, fecal occult blood test was positive, colonoscopy found that the middle transverse transverse narrow, biopsy specimens showed acute and chronic inflammation, no granulomas, in line with Crohn disease. At 22 months of treatment, patients developed psychiatric symptoms, hyperkalemia, unresponsiveness and body temperature did not rise, then stopped taking et Tractat, although the treatment was positive, still a few days later died. Autopsy found dead
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