Testing the possibility of horizontal transfer of introduced neomycin phosphotransferase(nptII) gene

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxz66329
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The possible horizontal transfer of transgenes is of great concern when the transgenic plants are released into the field.To test the possible transfer of nptII of transgenic trees into soil bacteria,we have used a stool DNA preparation kit to isolate the DNA from the soils in the rhizospheres of two non-and eight transgenic Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees.All the samples have provided the corresponding PCR products in the amplification with bacterial 16S RNA specific sequences,which indicates that the quality of the isolated DNA is adequate for amplification.The nptII specific band has been amplified in three soil samples from the transgenic trees and even treated with filtration before the DNA isolation.This indicates that nptII DNA exists in the soil,although it is still unclear whether the DNA was in the soil particles,in the soil bacteria or in the Agrobacterium contamination which was used for the E.camaldulensis transformation.Two approaches on isolation of bacterial DNA have been suggested for testing the possibility of this event in the future. The possible horizontal transfer of transgenes is of great concern when the transgenic plants are released into the field. To test the possible transfer of nptII of transgenic trees into soil bacteria, we have used a stool DNA preparation kit to isolate the DNA from the soils in the rhizospheres of two non-and eight transgenic Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees. All the samples have provided the corresponding PCR products in the amplification with bacterial 16S RNA specific sequences, which indicates that the quality of the isolated DNA is adequate for amplification. The nptII specific band has been amplified in three soil samples from the transgenic trees and even treated with filtration before the DNA isolation. This indicates that nptII DNA exists in the soil, although it is still unclear whether the DNA was in the soil particles, in the soil bacteria or in the Agrobacterium contamination which was used for the E.camaldulensis transformation. Two approaches on isolation of bacterial DNA have bee n suggested for testing the possibility of this event in the future.
最近,在全国掀起一阵拍打、拉筋治百病的养生风潮,不但教人实践这种自疗法的书籍大卖,网络上也有相当多讨论如何拉筋的文章,更有各种辅助拉筋、拍打的用具,俨然成为时下流行的全民运动。    这样拍打可以促健康    拍打头面用两手指端叩击头顶及后脑部,以指面拍打前额和耳后两侧及颈后部位,再用食指弹拍面颊两侧。这样做,有增强记忆力、明目健脑的作用,适用于神经衰弱、脑动脉硬化、脑血栓、面部神经麻痹等患者。 
一、前言 真空吸铸是美国七十年代发展起来的新的成型工艺,叫做CLA法,Hichiner公司已将该工艺大量用于不锈钢和耐热钢的生产,日本于1981年也将该工艺正式用于生产。 该工艺
编者按:   2005年,世界大学生运动会中国代表团的组团工作正式移交给教育部中国大学生体育协会。随后,有越来越多的全日制在校大学生运动员入选中国大运会代表团,并在比赛中取得优异成绩,充分体现了“体教结合”之路的巨大优势和活力。第26届世界大运会于2011年8月11日至23日在深圳举办,中国代表团共获得75枚金牌,展示了学校竞技体育健康发展的良好态势。在深圳大运会上,北京师范大学的学生运动员光彩夺