合理间作 桑菜并茂

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太湖之滨的吴江县是丝绸之乡,该乡为物尽其用,土尽其利,摸索了一套桑田套夹种蔬菜的经验。桑田套夹种蔬菜,利用冬季桑树正处于休眠过渡期暂停生长发育和对肥料的需求及冬季桑地遮蔽小,阳光足,利于间作蔬菜生长发育的特点。桑田套夹种蔬菜的主要方式有:①连续间作两季青菜。第一季在9月底种植,11月上、中旬收获,随即种第二季青莱,到翌年2月收获。也有播种油菜秧苗后种一季青菜的。②9月10日左右套种一季大蒜(主要收蒜苗),于12月到翌年2月收获。③是9月20日左右套种一季大头菜,于12月底到翌年1月收获。④是9月20日左右套种一季旱芹,于11月中、下旬到翌年2月收获。如果是桑田改白地,或新种 Wujiang County, a lake on the coast of Taihu Lake, is a hometown of silk. The village made the best use of its resources and tried its best to explore the experience of a set of vegetables grown in Sangtian. Mulberry sets folder vegetables, the use of winter mulberry is suspended in the transitional period to suspend the growth and development and the demand for fertilizer and winter mulberry shading small, sunny, conducive to the intercropping characteristics of vegetable growth and development. Sang Tian Jiazhu vegetables are the main ways: ① intercropping two seasons of vegetables. The first season is planted at the end of September, and the harvest in mid-November and early November will be followed by the harvest of the second season of Qing Lai to the following February. There are also sowing rape seedlings after planting a season of vegetables. ② September 10 about the interim season garlic (the main harvest garlic), in December to harvest the following year in February. ③ is about September 20 intercropping season Rutabaga, by the end of December to harvest the following year. ④ is about September 20 intercropping season celery, mid-November, late February to harvest the following year. If it is Kura change ground, or new species
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