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[目的]为了研究不同生物质炭用量和类型对汉中烤烟生长发育和产量产值的影响。[方法]2013年5~9月,在陕西省汉中市南郑县小南海镇布置田间小区试验,研究了不同的生物炭用量和类型下的各个生育时期烟叶农艺性状、产量和产值进行了比较分析。[结果]施用生物质炭可明显增加烟叶生育中前期株高、茎围和叶片大小,增加烟叶产量、产值和中上等烟叶比例。随着生物炭施用量的增加,烟叶备生育时期农艺性状均显著改善,产量、产值和中上等烟叶比例叶明显增加,且在施用量为900 kg/hm~2时达到最高。稻壳炭和麦秆炭对改善烟叶农艺性状明显优于花生壳炭,稻壳炭更有利于旺长期叶片及现蕾期茎秆的发育,而麦秆炭有利于提高旺长期株高和有效叶数以及现蕾期叶片的发育,且施用稻壳炭提高烟叶产量和产值的效果最好。[结论]施用生物炭是汉中烟区改良植烟土壤、促进烟叶生长发育的有效措施,生物炭施用量宜控制在每亩穴施600~900 kg/hm~2左右,可优先选择稻壳炭作为土壤改良的材料。 [Objective] The research aimed to study the effects of different biomass carbon amount and types on the growth and yield of Hanzhong flue-cured tobacco. [Method] From May to September 2013, field plots were arranged in Xiaonanhai Town, Nanzheng County, Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province. The agronomic characteristics, yield and value of tobacco leaf at different growth stages were studied under different biochar dosage and types. analysis. [Result] The application of biochar could obviously increase the plant height, stem circumference and leaf size of tobacco leaves in the early growing stage, and increase the yield, output value and proportion of middle and upper leaves of tobacco. With the increase of biochar application rate, the agronomic traits of tobacco leaves were significantly improved during their reproductive stage. The yield, output value and leaf proportion of middle and upper leaves increased obviously, reaching the highest at 900 kg / hm ~ 2. Rice husk charcoal and wheat straw charcoal significantly improved the agronomic characters of tobacco leaves than peanut husk charcoal. Rice husk charcoal was more conducive to the growth of stems in leaf and budding stage of Mongolian wang, while wheat straw charcoal was beneficial to improve plant height and vigor Leaf number and leaf development at budding stage, and the application of rice husk charcoal to improve the yield and output value of tobacco is the best. [Conclusion] The application of biochar was an effective measure to improve the tobacco planting soil and promote the growth and development of tobacco in Hanzhong tobacco area. The biochar application rate should be controlled at about 600-900 kg / hm ~ 2 per mu. As a soil improvement material.
从山东省发病鸡群中分离鉴定了一株鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(Infectious bronchitis virus, IBV)强毒株SDIB821/2012,对其进行S1基因序列测定分析和免疫保护试验。S1基因遗传进化分
兰坪虫草(Ophiocordyceps lanpingensis)产于我国滇西北地区,是一种寄生在钩蝠蛾幼虫上的虫生真菌。本文以四种不同培养基培养的兰坪虫草子实体为原料,采用高效液相色谱法(HP