Plasmonic interactions between a perforated gold film and a thin gold film

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oncecao
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Based on the finite difference time domain method,we investigated theoretically the optical properties and the plasmonic interactions between a gold film perforated with periodic sub-wavelength holes and a thin gold film.We showed that the plasmon resonant energies and intensities depend strongly on the thicknesses of the two films and the lattice constant.Based on the distributions of normal electric field component E z,tangential electric field component E y and total energy,we showed that the optical transmission is due to the collaboration of the localized waveguide resonance,the surface plasmon resonance and the coupling of the flat-surface plasmon of the two layers. Based on the finite difference time domain method, we investigate theoretically the optical properties and the plasmonic interactions between a gold film perforated with periodic sub-wavelength holes and a thin gold film. We showed that the plasmon resonant energies and intensities depend strongly on the thicknesses of the two films and the lattice constant. Based on the distributions of normal electric field component E z, tangential electric field component E y and total energy, we showed that the optical transmission is due to the collaboration of the localized waveguide resonance, the surface plasmon resonance and the coupling of the flat-surface plasmon of the two layers.
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