
来源 :中国儿童保健杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xymztttt
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目的 了解学习障碍儿童视觉保持特征。 方法 对某小学校的学习障碍(LD) 儿童进行了筛查,并对筛出的LD 儿童和配对的正常儿童进行视觉保持实验( VRT) 测试,并对比分析数据。 结果 ①学习障碍发生率界于4 .35 % ~14 .28 % 之间,以四、五年级为高发,男女发病率比为2 .6∶1 。②LD 组总体VRT 成绩显著低于对照组( P< 0 .05) 。 结论 LD 儿童存在短时记忆障碍,视结构障碍的等特征 Objective To understand the visual maintenance of children with learning disabilities. Methods Children with learning disability (LD) in a primary school were screened, and the visual retention test (VRT) was performed on the screened LD children and matched normal children. The data were compared and analyzed. Results ① The prevalence of learning disabilities ranged from 4.35% to 14.28%. The prevalence of learning disabilities was high in the fourth and fifth grades and the incidence rate of male to female was 2. 6:1. ② The overall VRT score of LD group was significantly lower than that of control group (P <0.05). Conclusion LD children have short-term memory impairment, depending on the characteristics of structural disorders
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