
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhaoxust
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1949年以前,新疆小麦生产以春麦为主。解放后冬麦面积随着栽培技术的改进而逐步扩大,到1958年冬麦比重就超过了春小麦。1961年冬麦面积占到小麦面积68.7%。此后,冬麦面积又逐步下降。近20年来,全疆冬春麦比例大致稳定在3∶2左右,大体上北疆北部、东部以春麦为主,南疆以冬麦为主,天山两侧是主要的冬春麦兼种区。但新疆地域辽阔,地形复杂,境内区域之间气候相差悬殊,耕作制度也有差别,从低于海平面100多米的吐鲁番盆地到高出海平面3000多米 Before 1949, wheat production in Xinjiang was dominated by spring wheat. After the liberation of winter wheat area with the improvement of cultivation techniques and gradually expanded, by 1958 the proportion of winter wheat surpassed the spring wheat. 1961 winter wheat area accounted for 68.7% of the wheat area. Since then, winter wheat area has gradually declined. In the recent 20 years, the proportion of winter and spring wheat in whole Xinjiang has been roughly stable at about 3: 2. Generally, the northern part of northern part of Xinjiang is dominated by spring wheat in the east, winter wheat is the main part in southern part of Xinjiang, . However, Xinjiang has a vast territory and complex terrain. The climate varies greatly between regions. The farming system is also different. From the Turpan Basin below 100 meters above sea level to over 3000 meters above sea level
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苎麻(Bochmeria nivea L.Gaud)是我国特产的重要纤维作物。占全世界总产量的95%,纺织加工能力约占80%。其纤维品质优良,在纺织上有重要地位,因而在世界上素有“中国草”的美誉。但在生产上存在遗传背景复杂,育种周期太长的问题,严重限制了苎麻新品种的培育。目前已经有许多作物通过单倍体途径获得纯和二倍体植株用于育种研究。花药培养是获得单倍体比较简单的方法。本实验通过对谈家何麻等13个
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