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海事法院成立后,受理案件的数量逐年增多,案件类型也渐趋多样化,其中涉及外国当事人的案件又占了相当多数。故此,依法及时、公正地审理海事案件,对维护我国和外国的企业、组织、公民的合法权益,促进我国海上运输和对外经济贸易的发展,保证对内搞活、对外开放政策的贯彻实施有着重要的意义。 我国海事审判工作开展的时间不长,虽然也取得了一定的成绩,摸索了一些有效的经验,但由于目前我们在海事法律、法规方面还很不健全,海事审判人员的素质和业务水乎也亟待提高,而海事案件又情况复杂,专业性强,尤其是涉外、涉港、澳案件,不仅政策性很强,而且在法律适用上也比较复杂,往往涉及许多国际公约和国际惯例。这就要求我们各海事法院的审判人员要认真学习有关法律知识,熟悉有关国际公约和国际惯例,积极探索,勇于开拓,公正执法,大胆办案,要在审判实践中注意及时发现新情况,研究新问题,总结经验,记取教训,不断提高海事审判工作的执法水平、办案质量和效率,充分发挥海事审判工作的职能作用,以便更好地为维护航运秩序,保护海洋环境,促进航运事业和对外贸易的发展服务。本期选登了下面的一组文章和案例,介绍了目前在处理海事案件中几个带有普遍性问题的做法和经验。希望从事海事审判工作的同志能从中得到一些启迪和借 After the establishment of the maritime court, the number of cases accepted has been increasing year by year, and the types of cases have also diversified. Among them, cases involving foreign parties have taken up quite a large proportion. Therefore, the timely and fair trial of maritime cases in accordance with the law is of great importance in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, organizations and citizens in our country and abroad, in promoting the development of maritime transport and foreign economic relations and trade in our country, and of ensuring the invigorating and opening to the outside world. Meaning. Although the maritime trial work in our country has been carried out for a short period of time, some achievements have been made and some effective experiences have been explored. However, due to the fact that at present we are still not perfect in maritime laws and regulations and the quality and business of maritime adjudicators The maritime cases are complicated and highly specialized. In particular, the cases involving foreign countries, Hong Kong and Macao are not only highly policy-oriented but also complicated in their application of law. They often involve many international conventions and international practices. This requires us that all judicial officers at the maritime courts should conscientiously study relevant legal knowledge, be familiar with the relevant international conventions and international practices, actively explore, bravely open up, just law enforcement and bold handling of cases. We should pay attention to discovering new situations and discovering new situations in trial practice Problems, summing up experiences, taking lessons and constantly improving the level of law enforcement in maritime trial work, the quality and efficiency of handling cases and giving full play to the functions of maritime trial work in order to better safeguard the order of shipping, protect the marine environment, promote shipping business and foreign trade Development Services. In this installment, the following set of articles and cases were selected to introduce the practices and experiences of several universally-related issues that are currently being dealt with in maritime cases. The comrades who wish to engage in maritime trial work can get some enlightenment and borrow from it
目的 :观察具有益气养阴、活血解毒作用的肺瘤平二号对中晚期肺癌患者血小板表面糖蛋白表达和血小板激活状态的影响。方法 :采用流式细胞技术检测 30例中晚期肺癌患者服肺瘤
1.So what?那又怎么样?例如:If I say I won’t go with you,so what?如果我说不跟你一起去,那会怎么样? 1.So what? What about that? For example: If I say I won’t go
近来在学术批评网上就学术论文的“伪注”问题展开了激烈的辩论。在反驳批评者林骡和田畔先生的文章中,作为被批评者的鲁晶越先生提出或一再强调:第一,如果他的引文抄自《文明的冲突?》或《文明的冲突与世界秩序的重建》的中译本,那就不可能“聪明到”在"The Clash of Civilizations"题尾加上一个“?”号。意思很明确:就凭这个“?”号,就可以证明他的那条注释不是“伪注”。第二,“真正能够推