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8.如何施用科洋大水面水产专用肥?(1)计算施用面积时,一般最大水深按不超过2.5米计算。(2)施用时,应选择在湖湾、库汊处多施,开阔水面处少施或不施,第一次施用可适当加大用量。(3)以晴天上午9时施用为宜,阴天或下雨天不宜施用。将本肥溶于适量的水中,然后均匀泼洒,切忌不经溶解 8. How to apply Keyang large surface aquatic fertilizer? (1) The calculation of the application area, the general maximum water depth of not more than 2.5 meters. (2) When applying, should be chosen in Lake Bay, library 汊 Department more facilities, open water surface less or no facilities, the first application may be appropriate to increase the dosage. (3) Apply sunny at 9 o’clock in the morning, cloudy or rainy days should not be applied. The fat dissolved in water, and then evenly spilled, should not be dissolved
The corrosion behavior of Ti-2Al-2.5Zr alloy with 5 alloy contents and 5 surface states were studied in water steam at 400°C, 10.3 MPa for 72 h. The weight
Positron annihilation behaviors have been studied in the single phase Nd2Fe14B magnet and the nanocomposite Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe magnet, prepared by melt spinning. Th
Recent engineering design as well as material processing on the optimization procedure are based and computeroriented. Finite element stress and sensitivity ana
From the process of sedimentation the mathematical relationshipsamong deposition volume and powder properties as well as sedimentation parameters were deduced.
Using a special constant deflection device, the changes in dislocation configuration ahead of a loaded crack tip for 60Fe40Ni alloy, before and after magnetizat
目的:观察抗艾莲(草药)对无症状期艾滋病毒(HIV)感染者CD4+T淋巴细胞治疗前后变化。方法:临床30例无症状HIV感染者口服抗艾莲粗粉30 g/d。连用60 d为1个疗程,共服用3个疗程。结果:24