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在我党历史上,关于党群关系有许多形象的比喻,如“鱼水关系”、“血肉关系”等。这些比喻通俗易懂地揭示了党群关系的深刻内涵,对于加深群众对党的群众路线的理解和把握,有十分重要的作用。先生与学生的关系湖南省第一师范学校校训“要做人民的先生,先做人民的学生”是该校校友毛泽东亲自审定并题写的。1941年3、4月间,毛泽东在《〈农村调查〉的序言和跋》一文中指出:“这些干部、农民、秀才、狱吏、商人和钱粮师爷,就是我的可敬爱的先 In my party’s history, there are many metaphors about the relationship between the party and the masses, such as ”relationship between fish and water “, ”flesh and blood relations “ and so on. These metaphors plainly reveal the profound connotation of the relationship between the party and the masses and play an important role in deepening the masses’ understanding and grasping of the party’s mass line. The relationship between Mr. and students The motto of Hunan No.1 Normal School ”to be the people of the people, first to be the people of the students “ is the school alumni Mao Zedong personally validated and inscribed. In March and April 1941, Mao Zedong pointed out in his essay ”Prefaces and Postscripts of Rural Surveys:" These cadres, peasants, scholarly officials, warlords, merchants, and money-grain masters are my beloved first
他们自己背负包裹,他们自己徒步前行,他们自己亲近自然,他们自己已经历风险,他们自己叫自己“驴”。 中国的“驴人”群体正在迅速增加,通过像北大山鹰似的行动,这个群体为中
一、企业职业道德教育的难点 1.思想认识难提高。相当一部分企业领导对职业道德教育的艰巨性和长期性认识不足,认为它不象抓生产、抓经营那样能立竿见影,马上能取得成效,因而
“选择了一个人就是选择了一个世界”。 这本是就婚配而言,孰料中国足球界 “Choose a person is to choose a world.” This is the marriage, the Chinese football comm
You who are letting miserable misunderstandings run on from year to year, meaning to clear them up some day; you who are keeping wretched1 quarrels alive becaus