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2012年3月,组织安排我从省纪委干部室,到省委巡视机构任正处级巡视专员,于是我开始走上了巡视工作的岗位。从以服务为主的岗位,到以监督为主的岗位,对我个人而言是一种难得的工作转型和人生砥砺。巡视是严肃的政治任务,是神圣的使命,承担着百姓的期待。如何做好巡视工作,是我两年来一直在思考的问题。汉代杨雄在《法言义疏》中说:“珍其货而后市,修其身而后交,善其谋而后动,成道也。”常规巡视时间紧、任务重、工作量大,要做好巡视工作,必须有系统的思维、统筹的理念。2013年9月10日至12月20日,我所在的省委 In March 2012, I arranged for me to work from the cadre room of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to the rank-and-file inspection commissioner of the inspection team at the provincial party committee. So I started to go on a tour inspection job. From a service-oriented position to a supervisory-based position, it is a rare job transformation and life temper for me personally. Inspections are serious political missions, sacred missions and bear the expectation of the people. How to do a good job of inspection is what I have been thinking for two years. In the Han Dynasty, Yang Xiong said in the “Law and Justice”: “treasure its goods and the market, repair their body and then pay, be good at it and then move.” Conventional tour time is tight, heavy tasks, heavy workload, to Doing a good job of inspection work must have systematic thinking and overall planning. From September 10 to December 20, 2013, my provincial party committee
在中共党史上,最早明确使用“群众路线”概念的中央文件是《中共中央给红军第四军前委的指示信》,这份文件于1929年11月1日在平远石正召开的红四军前委扩大会议上传达。因此,平远石正是我党我军最早传达贯彻“群众路线”的地方。  1929年8月下旬,陈毅到上海向党中央汇报工作。8月29日,政治局听取了陈毅的汇报,决定由周恩来、李立三、陈毅组成委员会,起草一个决议,在政治局讨论通过后,发出《中共中央给红军
11月11日-12月10日 李岚清在河北视察工作时强调要努力扩大高中阶段教育规模。提高职业教育质量。 国家计委、新闻出版署近日联合下发通知,要求各地按明确规定的具体措施,降低中小学教材
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Li Hailang is kind of shy,not an outgoing boy.He always has his own thought,but all his classmates say that he is kind-hearted. He has a good friend named Liu J