The investigation on the improved quality of life before body X-knife therapy quality control in th

来源 :中国临床康复 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangchengwang0
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Objective To provide improved manipulative program of body X-knife therapy is to re duce localization and repetition error,increase therapeutic precision and perform accurate quality control.Methods Measure and compare the actual error in 86therapeutic targets of52patients before body X-knife stereotactic radiotherapy at different positioning.Results The position error is reduced obviou sly in quality control group compared with control group.T here is prominent difference in two g roups about the error of irradiation field accuracy and axial superpo-sition(P value:0.000896and 0.02980).Conclusions The improved positioning method can reduce errors and increase repetiti on precision and veracity in therapy. Objective To provide improved manipulative program of body X-knife therapy is to re duce localization and repetition error, increase therapeutic precision and perform accurate quality control. Methods Measure and compare the actual error in 86 therapeutic targets of 52 patients before body X-knife stereotactic radiotherapy at different positioning.Results The position error is reduced obviou sly in quality control group compared with control group.There is prominent difference in two g roups about the error of irradiation field accuracy and axial superpo- sition (P value: 0.000896 and 0.02980) .Conclusions The improved positioning method can reduce errors and increase repetiti on precision and veracity in therapy.
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