Input and Output Enhancement for Large-sized EFL Classes in China

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  I. Introduction
  It is a well acknowledged concept that managing and teaching large-sized classes tend to be problematic. However, large class size does not always constrain teaching and learning outcomes. Studies have also shown that it is the pedagogy that matters rather than the student number. Based on the evidence, this paper proposes teaching strategies for enhancing comprehensible input and encouraging sufficient output in large-sized. It concludes with pedagogical implications for teaching large classes in China for EFL teachers.
  Much of the empirical evidence of teaching principles regarding how to minimize the problems and how to foster the advantages of large-sized classes focused on general strategies dealing with large-sized language classroom, which including teamwork and grouping technique would contribute as impressive resources and data for further studies. However, the lack of research on some specific instructional or teaching methods may also constrain the future work. In this paper, several specific teaching theories contributing to large-sized EFL classes will be discussed as implications for future study. These strategies will be categorized into two sections including a) how to enhance comprehensible input to a large amount of audience; b) how to encourage accurate and fluent output in large-sized EFL classes.
  II. Enhance the comprehensible input
  In his work, Krashen (1985) mentioned that learners acquired language when exposed to sufficient comprehensible input of language materials (e.g. visuals, texts, music, TPR (i.e. total physical response)). However, the large amount of audience with different language proficiency and interest in Chinese college EFL classes constrains the selection of teaching and extending materials. Two teaching theoretical strategies may serve to solve this problem.
  2.1 Content-based instruction
  As defined in Wolf’s (2002) work, Content-based instruction (CBI) is a general term referring to language teaching approaches that contribute to both two but not equal objectives focused on language and content-learning (e.g. culture, subject area). CBI has been applied to practice in various ways corresponding to student needs. “Unlike other language instruction approaches that define primary content in terms of grammatical structures, communicative language functions, or language skills, in CBI, content refers to the use of nonlanguage subject matter that is closely aligned with traditional school subjects, themes of interest to students, or vocational and occupational areas (Stoller, 2008).”   According to the interview, 87% Chinese college English classes are organized within major field while English teachers are from the same department, usually the linguistic department, who rarely have knowledge in the subject domain. Under this one-teacher-fit-all mode, English language input are out of major field. However, this may be changed by CBI. Under the circumstance when students within the same major received the same language resources related to their professions, input would be more comprehensible. As stated in Stoller’s (2008) study, content-based teaching environments also have strong academic orientations which focus on the “linguistic, cognitive, and metacognitive skills as well as subject matter that students need to succeed in future educational endeavors.”
  2.2 Flipped classroom
  Baker (2000), Lage, Platt, and Treglia (2000) explained the term flipped classroom, in which students are provided with some videos and other teaching materials before the class to read and explore by themselves. Teachers scaffold students to fulfill task-based practices and group discussions about the topics. As stated, flipped classroom provides an upside-down model of teaching, in which students could interact with the classroom materials better rather than through listening to lectures during class time. By providing students with the videos, it triggers background knowledge and push students to think about the topic before class, which enhances comprehensible input of the language. Under this circumstance, class time can be used efficiently by allowing teachers to observe and scaffold students in groups or even one-on-one because students’ questions are focused after watching the materials.
  III. Encourage students’ output
  The lack of students’ output is one of the most criticized disadvantages of large-sized classes. As explained by Swain (2000), language learners realize their own gap between what they want to say and what they can say, reach the accuracy and fluency by making output. Two strategies can be used to encourage output.
  3.1 Collaborative task-based language instruction (CTLI)
  As mentioned in chapter three, many Chinese EFL classes are still teacher-centered because of the large number of students. Instead of listening and following, CTLI allow students to acquire the language collaboratively through fulfilling the tasks (e.g. information gap activities, think-pair-share) designed by teachers. CTLI encourage students’ fluent and accurate output in the following ways: (a) To establish learners’ confidence to try out what they can say and what they want to say in a pair or small group with lower anxiety of being wrong or of being corrected in front of the class; (b) Provide students with the opportunities to hear and notice how others express the same meaning; (c) To set an authentic environment where learners use language purposely and co-operatively focusing on meanings of the talk, not just using language for displaying purposes (Willis, 2007).   3.2 Integrate personal response technology
  Due to the large size of class, students lack opportunities to express themselves or talk with teachers in class, which can be compensated using personal response technology. The advantages are: (a) Immediate feedback to students; (b) Anonymousness of responses which lower the anxiety of the speakers; (c) Direct inter communication between lecturer and student (Knottenbelt,
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