
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:water11
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Purpose.Persistent corneal epithelial defects(PED)pre-sent a very challenging problem to an terior segment sur-geons.Autologous serum tears had been demonstrated to be beneficial in the treatment of PED.T he current study was conducted to review the local spectr um of indications and to examine the outcome of autologous se rum tear usage.Methods.All cases of PED treated with autologous serum tears at a tertiary referral centre f or the period August1999-July 2001were identified and r eviewed.Results.A total of 10eyes from 10patients were identified(5OD :5OS).The gender ratio was 7M :3F and the me an age was36.8(range 17-73)years old.The mean duration of PED before the usage of autologous se rum tears was 22.4±69.6days.Six eyes healed within 2w eeks,but two eyes failed to heal after 1month of tr eatment and two pa-tients defaulted follow-up.No adverse effects were ob-served with the addition of autoseru m tears.Conclusions.The results of the current study correlated well with previ-ous reported studies.Autologous se rum,tears may be considered as a valuable adjunct in t he management of re-calcitrant cases of PED. Purpose. Persistent corneal epithelial defects (PED) pre-sent a very challenging problem to an terior segment sur-geons. Autologous serum tears had been demonstrated to be beneficial in the treatment of PED.T he current study was conducted to review the local spectroscopy um of indications and to examine the outcome of autologous se rum tear usage. Methods. Pll treated with autologous serum tears at a tertiary referral center f or the period August 1999-July 2001 were identified and reviewed. Results. A total of 10 eyes from 10patients were identified (5OD: 5OS) .The gender ratio was 7M: 3F and the me an age was36.8 (range 17-73) years old.The mean duration of PED before the usage of autologous se rumors was 22.4 ± 69.6days.Six eyes healed within 2w eeks, but two eyes failed to heal after 1month of tr eatment and two pa-tients defaulted follow-up.No adverse effects were ob-served with the addition of autoseru m tears.Conclusions.The results of the current study correlated well with previ-ous reported studies. Autologous se rum, tears may be considered as a valuable adjunct in t he management of re-calcitrant cases of PED.
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