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辽宁省朝阳市辖人口约40万,医疗辐射人口约350万,城市人口五年(1992—1997),死因回顾调查显示肿瘤死亡居第一位约占30%。由于肿瘤防治事业及资金不足缺乏必要设备,每年约有近4000余例肿瘤病人转入外地医院治疗。辽西地区如何建立肿瘤防治工作网?作为肿瘤防治的地市级单位如何起到龙头作用?我们认为基本上有以下几种模式:第一种是建立独立的地市级肿瘤医院,但投资较大,建设周期相对较长, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province, has a population of about 400,000 people, a medical radiation population of about 3.5 million, and a city population of five years (1992-1997). A review of causes of death shows that tumor deaths account for about 30% of the first deaths. Due to lack of necessary equipment for tumor prevention and management and lack of funds, nearly 4,000 tumor patients are transferred to foreign hospitals every year. How to establish a cancer prevention and control network in western Liaoning? How can the city’s prefecture-level units play a leading role? We believe that there are basically the following modes: The first is to establish an independent city-level cancer hospital, but the investment is relatively large. The construction period is relatively long.
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在1999年间,对隶属我院医疗范围的老年人进行体检,除全身物理检查外,还进行心电图检查,现将心电图各种检出率进行分析总结,报告如下。 1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料 离退休老
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D70可算是 Nikon 最平价的单镜反光数码相机,明显是为与 Canon 300D 抢占平价单反机市场而设的作品,而 D70的定价虽然比同厂的 D100平了数千元,不过部分性能却比 D100更强,
本研究观察到育亨宾对受损背根节 (DRG)神经元呈现兴奋作用 ,并初步研究了其发生机制。用外源性育亨宾 (10μmol/L)灌流损伤 DRG时 ,在 2 2个有自发放电的 DRG神经元中有 18
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培育壮秧是水稻丰产的基础。由于管理措施不到位,秧田仍然存在烂芽、死苗现象,它严重影响了秧苗素质的提高。为此,找出原因,加强管理,就能杜绝发生。 1、水稻烂芽原因: 1.1