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实行“收支两条线”管理以来,各地区、各部门按照中央的统一部署和要求,在落实“收支两条线”规定方面做了大量工作。其中财政部、公安部、教育部、海关总署等四部委狠抓贯彻,结合实际采取措施,已初见成效。——财政部门强化措施,加强“收支两条线”管理。自去年落实公检法和工商部门行政性收费和罚没收入实行“收支两条线”规定以来,各级财政部门会同有关部门,大力清理“三乱”:强化财政专户管理,并制定相应的管理办 Since the implementation of the “two lines of revenue and expenditure” management, all regions and departments have done a great deal of work in implementing the “two lines of revenue and expenditure” in accordance with the unified arrangements and requirements of the Central Government. Among them, the ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Education and the General Administration of Customs, pay close attention to the implementation of the four ministries and commissions and have taken initial measures in light of the actual situation. - Financial departments to strengthen measures to strengthen “two lines of revenue and expenditure management. Since the implementation of the ”two lines of revenue and expenditure“ by implementing the provisions of the ”two lines of revenues and expenditures“ since the implementation of the provisions of the ”two lines of revenues and expenditures“ since the implementation of the provisions of the administrative charges and confiscation revenues of the industrial and commercial departments last year, the financial departments at all levels, together with relevant departments, vigorously clean up the ”three chaos" Develop a corresponding management office
英文版的《新包尔格拉夫:经济学的世界》(The New Palgnave:The World ofEconomics)自1991年由麦克米兰出版社出版后,在不到二年的时间里畅销于世界各国。难能可贵的是,该书
二十冶研制成功 DY—1型电子力矩限制器二十冶吊运公司电子实验室,设计制造出一种新型的 DY—1型电子力矩限制器,于1985年9月正式安装到大型起重机上进行实际使用。通过工作