Surveillance on the multi-drug resistance and the β-lactamase resistance genes in Pseudomonas aerugi

来源 :Journal of Microbiology and Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnlh007
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In the present study,27 multi-drug resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from clinical specimens in our hospital from Jan 2005 to Nov 2005,in which the resistant genes encodingβ-lactamase including TEM,SHV,OXA,PER,VEB,GES,CARB,IMP,VIM,SPM,GIM,DHA and OprD2 were tested by PCR amplification and sequenced by DNA sequencer.It was found that the detection rates of bla_(VEB),bla_(GES) and bla_(CARB) genes in these 27 isolates of P.aeruginosa were 11.1%, 11.1% and 48.1%,respectively,but almost the oprD2 gene was lacked(92.6%).In addition,the resistant genes encoding TEM,SHV,OXA,PER,IMP,VIM,SPM,GIM and DHAβ-lactamase were all not found.It was also demonstrated that the sequence of bla_(VEB) gene appeared to be identical to that of the bla_(VEB-1)(AY536743),while the bla_(CES) and bla_(CARB) genes shared 99% identity with bla_(GES-1) (AY219651)and bla_(CARB-3)(S46063) genes.From these observations,it is evident that P.aeruginosa carrying the bla_(VES),bla_(GES) and bla_(CARB) resistant genes isolated in our hospital confers the resistance toβ- lactams,and the loss of the oprD2 gene may be the important cause to develop resistance to imipenem in P.aeruginosa. In the present study, 27 multi-drug resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were isolated from clinical specimens in our hospital from Jan 2005 to Nov 2005, in which the resistant genes encoding beta-lactamase including TEM, SHV, OXA, PER, VEB, GES, CARB, IMP, VIM, SPM, GIM, DHA and OprD2 were tested by PCR amplification and sequenced by DNA sequencer. It was found that the detection rates of bla_ (VEB), bla_ (GES) and bla_ isolates of P. aeruginosa were 11.1%, 11.1% and 48.1%, respectively, but almost the oprD2 gene was lacked (92.6%). In addition, the resistant genes encoding TEM, SHV, OXA, PER, IMP, VIM, SPM, GIM and DHAβ-lactamase were all not found. It was also demonstrated that the sequence of bla_ (VEB) gene was to be identical to that of the bla_ (VEB-1) (AY536743), while the bla_ (CES) and bla_ CARB) genes shared 99% identity with bla_ (GES-1) (AY219651) and bla_ (CARB-3) (S46063) genes. These observations, it is evident that P. aeruginosa carries the bla_ (VES), bla_ ) and bla_ (CA RB) resistant genes isolated in our hospital confers the resistance to β-lactams, and the loss of the oprD2 gene may be the important cause to develop resistance to imipenem in P. aeruginosa.
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