Color Video Laser Display Technology

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The principle and technologies employed in laser color video display are introduced. The characteristics of techniologies and bottlenecks of restricting the development are analyzed .A novel technical approach to eliminating the laser interference, improving the uniformity of optical field, transforming the chromaticity and extending the virtual color is proposed. The principle device of laser display system has been developed on the basis of the blue, green and red diode-pumped solid state lasers .The wavelengths of the blue, green and red are 473nm, 532nm and 671nm, and the output powers of the lasers are 1.3W, 0.32W and 3.5W, respectively. The principle and technologies employed in laser color video display are. The novel technology approach to eliminating the laser interference, improving the uniformity of optical field, transforming the chromaticity and extending the virtual The principle device of laser display system has been developed on the basis of the blue, green and red diode-pumped solid state lasers. The wavelengths of the blue, green and red are 473 nm, 532 nm and 671 nm, and the output powers of the lasers are 1.3W, 0.32W and 3.5W, respectively.
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