Routing Strategy of Complex Networks Based on Topology Information

来源 :2015中国计算机网络安全年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiger_0003
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  A routing strategy using nodes effective path and dynamic information weight distribution was proposed,which based on the improved efficient path routing strategy in complex network.The strategys weight factor was optimized by the new strategy,and it was compared with the shortest path routing strategy with the traditional routing strategy and the strategy in the view of nodes efficient path.Simulation results show that the proposed strategy can effectively improve the network throughput without increase average data packet transmission delay.Considering the insufficient of local routing strategies in global performance and the community division technology in complex network,a kind of local visibility routing strategy according to the thought of community division was presented.On the condition of community division of the BGLL condensation algorithm,the topology structure information of neighbor nodes and all the community nodes were only stored in the each nodes routing list in the new strategy.When node transaction in community,global routing strategy was adopted and when between communities,minimum load strategy will be used.The simulation results indicate that in the different connection density networks,the performance of the new strategy achieves the best when community divisions degree of modularization is the highest.Contrasted to other local routing strategy,the optimized strategy holds incomparable superiority on Throughput,Transmission delay and the Packet Loss.
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