Study on Responsible College Tourism Education to Preserve Cultural Heritage in Xinjiang

来源 :中国地理学会2011年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxinyu999
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  Xinjiang is an exclusive place in the world where the four ancient civilizations of China, Arab, India and Greek converge.Characterized by mingle of four ancient civilizations, tangible and intangible cultural relics in Xinjiang created the special tourism settings and unique destination for travellers.Tourism arrivals particularly the outbound ones rushing into Xinjiang practice behaviours which bring seriously negative affluences on the cultural heritages in addition to the positive ones.As an industry, tourism is economically identified; however cultural heritage emphasizes conservation and authenticity.Conflicts between cultural heritage conservation and tourism development are outstanding obstacle for their sustainable development.The key of peaceful solution to conflicts between cultural heritage conservation and tourism development is the cultivation of responsible stakeholders such as community, tour guide, tourists, administrative bodies, etc.And college education is a distinguished factor in the cultivation of responsible tourism stakeholders and practices.This paper reviewed some related literatures which stated the importance of college education in the preservation of heritage and their interaction.Then, it investigated the situation of college education of tourism in the preservation of cultural heritage in Xinjiang by questionnaire.It found not a course immediately about relations between cultural heritage and tourism was listed in the curriculums; it failed to inculcate students with awareness of sustainable utilization of cultural heritage as tourism resources; and it did not keep up with the need of tourism development on cultural heritage with rapid expansion but low efficiency and limited improvement in educational quality.The paper suggested that universities in Xinjiang apply directly related discipline and not just change the existing curriculum structure to extend the channels to meet the needs of the students and society; universities take active part in the cooperation with the world and domestic heritage institutions to make full use of the existing external resources to stockpile the talented person of researching world heritage; universities strengthen the co operations with each other and between tourism discipline and art, archaeology, anthropology, architecture, history, geography, ete; and cultural heritage tour zones build educational or practice bases in their properties such as museum, ancient cities, etc.In conclusion, resolving the conflicts between tourism development and conservation of cultural heritage is an urgent issue for Xinjiang because the special social and weak ecological environment here makes the cultural heritage here especially vulnerable.The most important and possible way is to improve the tourism education and realize the cooperation between the two factors of tourism and cultural heritage.Based on the research, we found a number of problems that needs to be addressed urgently.We elaborated the implications about how to resolve the problems by listing four recommendations such as construction of curriculum, training of teachers, cooperation of different disciplines and institutions, building of practice bases in cultural heritage tour zones.
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