Molecular Imaging in Parathyroid Disease

来源 :BIT`s 2nd Annual World Congress of Endobolism-2012(2012第二届内分 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hynyjhnyjn66656
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  Molecular imaging is defined as the ability to visualize and quantitatively measure the function of biological and cellular processes in vivo.While anatomical imaging plays a major role in medical imaging for diagnosis, surgical guidance/follow-up, and treatment monitoring, the rapidly evolving field of molecular imaging promises improvements in specificity and quantization for screening and early diagnosis, focused and personalized therapy, and earlier treatment follow-up.The main advantage of in vivo molecular imaging is its ability to characterize diseased tissues without invasive biopsies or surgical procedures and with this information in hand;a more personalized treatment planning regimen can be applied.In addition, the introduction of hybrid imaging by integrating two different modalities into a single system, like radionuclide imaging (PET and SPECT) with CT appears to be promising platforms.Various imaging methods are used for medical imaging, including PET, SPECT, MRI, MRS, US, and CT in diagnosis and evaluation of parathyroid function.Current clinical molecular imaging is mostly performed with PET and SPECT,and several targeted radiopharmaceuticals for parathyroid gland.The development of the first hybrid PET and CT device struck a chord with the medical imaging community that is still ringing loudly throughout the world.So successful has been the concept of PET-CT that none of the major medical imaging manufacturers now offers standalone PET scanners.Following close behind this success, SPECT-CT devices have recently been adopted by the nuclear medicine community, already compelled by the benefits of hybrid imaging through their experience with PET-CT.Recent reports of adaptation of PET detectors to operate within the strong magnetic field of MRI scanners have generated further enthusiasm.Prototype PET-MRI devices are now in development.Despite the primacy of anatomical imaging for loco regional disease definition, the molecular characterization available from PET and SPECT offers unique complementary information for cancer evaluation.Hybrid imaging appears to be ultimate imaging devices for the future, helping to accelerate the adoption of molecular imaging.It is expected that hybrid molecular imaging techniques will provide precise information about the location and function of hyperparathyroidism, a tool that could help physicians diagnose and treat the condition.
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