Preparation of Hollow Porous Molecularly Imprinted Polymers and Their Applications for Solid-Phase E

来源 :第2届大连国际色谱学术报告会、第37届国际高效液相色谱及相关技术会议、第18届全国色谱学术报告会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JustFelling
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  Porous polymers have been accepted as an effective material for high specific surface area in favor of mass transfer1, 2.The hollow porous molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) were prepared by multi-step seed swelling polymerization using cholesterol as the template molecule, and appeared single-hole hollow structure characterized by SEM and TEM, which were applied as solid-phase extraction sorbent for selective determination of Sudan Ⅰ in chilli sauce samples.The porous MIPs with high specific surface area (proved by nitrogen adsorption experiments) and high thermal stability (were not decompose less than 400 ℃ using DSC), exhibited much higher binding capacity than irregular solid MIPs prepared by bulk polymerization, because of most of the binding site were located in the surface of microsphere facilitating template removal and mass transfer.Good recoveries at three spiked levels were ranged from 90.9%-103.3% with the precision of 1.85%-4.68% in chilli sauce samples.The hollow porous MIPs with high selectivity, high stability could be applied for high selective determination of Sudan in complicated samples.
  Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) have aroused extensive attention and been widely applied in many fields, such as solid phase extraction and chemical s
  Cyclodextrin electrokinetic chromatography (CDEKC) is one of the versatile methods for the enantioseparation in capillary electrophoresis.CDEKC has great ad
针对中国即将加入WTO这一形势 ,就完善我国《商标法》及其《实施细则》提出以下几个方面的建议 :改终局评审制度为评审后的司法复审制度 ;修订完善《实施细则》第 2 5条 ,明确“
【摘 要】本文结合工程案例,分析了隧洞软岩地质条件,详细介绍施工中塌方情况,最后提出了加固处理措施。  【关键词】隧洞软岩;塌方处理;地质;勘察
  β-blockers, like atenolol, esmolol, and bisoprolol, are a group of therapeutically important drugs widely used in the treatment of angina, cardiac arrhythm