来源 :“地理空间数据库与位置服务”国际学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seajelly001
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  Providing early mental health services during disaster is a great challenge in the disaster response phase.Lack of access to adequate mental-health professionals in the early stages of large-scale disasters dramatically influences the trend of a successful mental health aid.In this paper,a conceptual framework has been suggested for adopting cellphone-type tele-operated android robots in the early stages of disasters for providing the early mental health services for disaster survivors by developing a locationbased and participatory approach.The techniques of enabling GI-services in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) environment were studied to overcome the limitations of current centralized services.Therefore,the aim of this research study is to add more flexibility and autonomy to GI web services (WMS,WFS,WPS,etc.) and alleviate to some degree the inherent limitations of these centralized systems.A P2P system Architecture is presented for the location-based service using minimalistic tele-operated android robots,and some key techniques of implementing this service using BestPeer were studied for developing this framework.
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