Nanoscale molecular dams and traps for low-abundance protein analysis

来源 :第八届全国微全分析系统学术会议、第三届全国微纳尺度生物分离分析学术会议暨第五届国际微化学与微系统学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydaf2ut9
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  Miniaturized biosensors and bioanalytical systems promise to revolutionize the field of health care and personalized medicine,in light of sample reduction,speed,and sensitivity.However,mass transport has generally been recognized as a major limiting factor in the sensitivity and performance of miniaturized sensor platforms in that miniaturization poses penalties on passive transport of biomolecules to the sensor surface due to prolonged diffusion length from the bulk liquid or in the direction of the fluidic channels.Further,for low-abundance protein analysis,sample enrichment is often regarded as the first prerequisite for high-resolution analysis,since chemical amplification methods are not readily available for proteins.These factors pose major challenges for early or acute disease diagnostics and biomarker discovery using micro- or nanoscale sensor platforms.To tackle these challenges,we developed nanofluidic and nanoelectronic platforms for the active transport of target analytes to the sensing region.For example,nanoscale molecular dam,using nanoconstriction as field-focusing lens to enhance mass transport,may be used for ultrafast protein enrichment in nanofluidic channels by electrodeless dielectrophoresis [1] under physiological buffer conditions [2-4].On the other hand,sub-10 nm electrode nanogap may be used as an active molecular trap for SERS and tunneling current measurements for low-copy number protein analysis,potentially down to single-molecule level.Our platforms may open up a simple way for heterogeneous protein analysis.
1  没有照片,永远不会有照片了。没有脸也没有声音,没有味道。我仿佛站在一扇紧闭的门前。  如果有照片,也只是一小块隆起的土地,草青草黄。这时节,随之出现的,一袋袋土豆,一片又一片枯干的玉米林,还有一群又一群游动的山羊,偶尔有一头牛,几辆农耕三轮车……不会有他走出来。早就不会了。他被卡在土地之下的一个长匣子里,那匣子本来盛不下他,但太匆忙了,人们没有时间赶制其他匣子,就把他压折了放进去。他在下面的
  Low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) have been used as anticoagulant agents for over two decades.Enoxaparin sodium,one of the LMWHs related brand-name drug
  Transformation optics overcomes the limitation of the current optical technologies in manipulating and controlling light of all scales,especially macro and
摘要:在走入国际化发展的中国,英语教育对于学生今后发展起着很大的作用,语音教学是学习英语的关键,而小学是学习英语的起点,如何在小学做好语音教学的基础,在学生今后的英语学习中,起着决定性作用。教师作为学生英语发音的引导者,因此只有教师的英语语音语调标准,才能为小学生打下良好的发音基础。  关键词:小学英语;语音教学;教师教学方法  英语语音教学是学生掌握英语言语技术的关键,如果在学习英语的过程中,不
花田村是典型的贫困村,村民虽四季躬耕无闲,但仍难拔穷根,因地处高寒山区,自然环境恶劣,交通条件落后,医疗力量薄弱,缺医少药,因病致贫、因病返贫已然成为花田村脱贫致富的拦路虎。脱贫攻坚战役打响后,作为医疗卫生系统拥有丰富群众工作经验的老党员,老李自然而然地成了选派的第一书记,远赴花田村開展扶贫工作。  花田村有一位姓姚的独居老人,已经七十多岁了。早年丈夫病逝,没几年儿子也和她失散了,不久她便患上了眼
一、病毒病 1.症状:苗期发病,引起心叶叶脉透明或沿叶脉失绿,进而心叶出现深浅不一的花叶或叶片皱缩,有时叶片着生不整齐的环形坏死斑纹。在成株期病株表现为不同程度的矮化