
来源 :2014世界橡胶论坛暨信息发布会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huimiandiadia
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-This document remains the exclusive property of Bekaert or subsidiary of Bekaert Group (hereafter Bekaert)-Communication thereof is wholly confidential and does not extend beyond the technical staff of the addressee, who is not authorized to duplicate this document nor to make known to a third party any contents thereof.-Bekaert is exclusively entitled to apply for a patent for any patentable element contained in this document.-Bekaert disclaims all liability which may arise out of the putting into use of the information contained in this document,provided it did not assume control thereof It also disclaims all liability for infringements of industdal property rights which may arise out of the putting into use of the information contained in this document.-All the information contained in this document is based on reasonable research, but does not guarantee any result.
Corrosion—erosion processes are commonly found in pipes, diaphragms and many other components for chemical, petrochemical and marine applications.The corrosion-erosion behavior of 304 and 316 stainles
Due to the increasing energy demands and accelerated environmental issues, there is an urgent need to improve the thermal efficiency of coal-fired power plants.To achieve this goal, the advanced ultra
Based on the corrosion issue of cooling water system containing carbon steel and copper alloy, the corrosion behavior of SA 106GrB steel and brass was studied using potentialdynamic polarization, elec
某核电站重水回收系统316L和304L锈钢管线多次发生破裂泄露,初步分析表明失效原因应该是在点蚀坑处发生应力腐蚀(SCC)裂纹的萌生和扩展,为验证失效原因和探索解决办法进行了多种模拟环境的腐蚀破裂实验研究,本文介绍其中部分工作,即316L、304L和690材料在模拟服役的250℃高温水及蒸汽环境中的SCC行为研究.实验环境为250℃的模拟水溶液(0.7ppm Li++100ppm Cl-)和上方的
目 录·一、中国是世界最大的橡胶消费国·二、中国是世界上产生废橡胶、废旧轮胎最多的国家·三、中国是世界再生橡胶生产量最大的国家·四、中国2013年再生橡胶消耗量走向分布·五、国家鼓励,政策支持·六、中国橡胶循环经济的目标·七、橡胶循环经济战略措施·八、中国橡胶循环经济所需政策建议·九、橡胶循环经济研究重大项目·十、结语
Sustainable products by Rhein Chemie for green rubber production莱茵化学应用于环保橡胶生产的可持续产品Introduction介绍Green Production ,Products ,Chemistry, Sustainablity?环保生产,产品,化学品,可持续性?Rhein Chemie Products莱茵化学产品Based