Longevity of Shinybark birch,Betula luminifera,Seeds in Relation to Maternal Families and Storage Co

来源 :第九届中国林业青年学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wcd_wang
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  Betula luminifera H.Winkl seeds were found to have an orthodox seed storage behavior,but showed a shorter longevity (less than 3 months) in open storage (where seeds are stored in unsealed containers) at ambient temperatures.To be able to sow the seeds in the spring following,the effect of different maternal families,seed moisture content (MC),and storage temperatures on seed longevity was investigated.The results showed that of three maternal families,seed lot from No.3 (large size) had the shortest storability either at room temperature or 15℃,the other two families (mediate size and small size) expressed the similar storability both at room temperature and 15℃.While the relationship between maternal families and their half-life period was significant (p <0.05).Within the MC ranges studied in 2006,the seed lot with 3.5% MC demostrated a better storability than other two MCs at room temperature.Seed viability was maintained throughout storage period at 0-5℃ and 15℃,whereas rapid loss in viability was observed at room temperature,and the half-life period of both seeds with either 9.1% or 5-6% MC was 13-14 months.The results from this study suggest that seeds of mediate and small size have longer longevity,the most commercial and effective combination is hermetically stored at 15℃ with 9-10 % MC for 2 years or more.Alternetively,3.5% MC combined with hermetic storage at a range of temperatures (from 0℃ to room temperature) can be used for medium-term storage.
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