Design of a Novel Cathepsin-K Inhibitor:A Computational Approach

来源 :2005 WHTS3rd Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gdzsmd
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  Osteoporosis is a bone disease most commonly found amongst the elderly females than in males.In the affected patients the amount of bone destruction is higher than its formation.This leads to bone loss which in turn causes fragility and fractures of bones.One of the best ways to control osteoporosis is to slow down the bone resorption process.Since cathepsin-K is the key enzyme involved in bone resorption, inhibition of this enzyme is known to slow down the bone loss process.Cathepsin-K inhibitors are promising therapeutic targets for the treatment of osteoporosis.The main focus of this work is to propose a novel cathepsin-K inhibitor using computational tools such as molecular modeling and pattern recognition.Since synthesizing an inhibitor requires considerable amount of time and money we would like to suggest a few novel cathepsin-K inhibitors based on our computational approach.
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