Identification of functional modules with pleiotropic effects in cancers

来源 :第五届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cloudwindbase
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  Background: Pleiotropy refers the genetic mechanism that a gene affects multiple phenotypes, like different types of cancer.In the past, more efforts have been dedicated to illustrate the phenotypic relationship between cancers and their shared genes.The aim of this study is to identify functional modules with pleiotropic effects on multiple cancers based on microarray data.Methods: Raw gene expression datasets involving affected cancer tissues and corresponding unaffected tissues are obtained from Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO).After Robust Multi-Array Analysis preprocessing, both moderated t-statistic and log2-fold change (logFC) are applied to filter out genes with adjusted p-value > 0.01 or logFC
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  Background: The ultra intercellular heterogeneity in tumor is one major causes for the failure of cancer therapy, e.g.drug resistance and/or cancer relapse.
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  Background: In recent years, secreted proteins have been identified as markers for disease typing and staging or the development of drugs.Computational iden
  Background: During evolution, proteins containing newly emerged domains and the increasing proportion of multi-domain proteins in the full Genome-Encoded Pr