Mid-term outcomes of left internal mammary artery to radial artery or saphenous vein Y-composite gra

来源 :第17届中国南方国际心血管病学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sczr2898
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Objective Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass grafting (MIDCAB) has been widely used in the treatment of single vessel disease for patients with coronary artery disease, but the results of MIDCAB with Y-composite grafts for multiple vessel disease are unclear.Here, we report the midterm outcomes achieved by using the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to radial artery (RA) or saphenous vein (SV) Y-composite grafts in MIDCAB for patients with multiple vessel disease.
Aims Sorafenib, a new muhi-kinase inhibitor, the treatment-related mortality with sorafenib has been reported.Methods We searched multiple databases investigate the risk of treatment-related mortality
Aims Sorafenib, a new multi-kinase inhibitor; the incidence of hypertension with sorafenib has been reported vary substantially among clinical trials.Methods We searched multiple database investigate
Background Previous studies have shown that the triglycerides-to-high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (TG/HDL-C)ratio was associated with insulin resistance and atherosclerosis.We aimed to evaluate th
背景 高同型半胱氨酸(Hey)是心脑血管疾病的重要危险因素,特别在亚洲人群当中伴有高同型半胱氨酸血症(HHcy)的高血压患者罹患脑卒中风险增加,体内叶酸水平的低下是引起高同型半胱氨酸的主要原因之一,但近年来我国高血压人群的叶酸水平尚无大样本研究揭示;体内叶酸与同型半胱氨酸的代谢循环复杂,受多因素影响,而叶酸、同型半胱氨酸、基因型之间的关系亟待证实.
Objectives We aimed to examine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) and chronic kidney disease (CKD),and the association between MS and its components with CKD in an elderly Chinese population.Me
目的 雾霾天特别容易诱发心血管疾病,近来周立东等在除霾实验中观察到许多植物有不同程度的吸收污染物的功能,论文通过建立除霾实验室,以进行实验研究确定其有效性.方法 由100-150吸霾子系统组成一个吸霾系统,每个子系统由鱼-水-食饵-吸霾植物株之茎和叶组成植物生态平衡系统,以植物茎叶为效应器,实现吸霾功能,判断雾霾程度.?结果:其功能较好,以测霾测试确定35 μg/m3以内为优状态,以36-75 μ
Background: Westernization of Chinese adults is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis.Over 1 million farmers have been resettled upland since 1996 in the 3-gorges reservoir dam project of Yangtz
Objective Effective anticoagulation is mandatory for gravidas with mechanical prosthetic heart valves (MPHV).However, the anticoagulation management for them is still a challenge.The aim of the study
目的 对于瓣膜病合并心房颤动的患者,同期进行AF的外科治疗,呈现逐步增加的趋势.尽管同期进行AF外科治疗,对窦性心律的恢复有很好的治疗效果.然而,该术式造成的副损伤也逐渐显现:如部分患者会出现左心房结构或功能的异常:如术后左心房收缩功能呈进行性下降、电—机械分离现象;左心房顺应性降低,术后出现肺动脉高压表现等.尽管临床上经超声心动图、CT、血流动力学等检查手段,可发现房颤手术后,左心房结构或功能的