Deglacial pulses of deep-ocean silicate reveal enhanced Southern Ocean upwelling

来源 :2015中国极地科学学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:absyou
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  Growing evidence suggests that the low atmospheric CO2 concentration of the ice ages resulted from enhanced storage of CO2 in the ocean interior,largely as a result of changes in the Southern Ocean.Early in the most recent deglaciation,a reduction in North Atlantic overturning circulation seems to have driven CO2 release from the Southern Ocean,but the mechanism connecting the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean remains unclear.Biogenic opal export in the low-latitude ocean relies on silicate from the underlying thermocline,the concentration of which is affected by the circulation of the ocean interior.Here we report a record of biogenic opal export from Polar Antarctic Zone that shows pronounced opal maxima during each glacial termination over the past 638 ka, corresponding to the opal peaks of North Atlantic ODP 658.These opal peaks are consistent with a strong deglacial reduction in the formation of silicate-poor glacial North Atlantic intermediate water(GNAIW).We interpret the opal peaks in north Atlantic and PAZ as resulting from the enhanced Southern Ocean upwelling and the ratio of silicate-rich AABW in the intensive mixed upwelling.We argue that this is a more pausible senario than a mixing of silicate-rich abyssal waters into the low latitude Atlantic thermocline.
中国之星小望远镜CSTAR是中国制造的第一台南极天文望远镜.2008年3月至7月,CSTAR 观测南天极附近天区并获得约20,000 颗星的i 波段光变曲线.通过分析这些光变曲线,我们认证了(1)53个双星系统,包括24个分离双星、8个半相接双星、18个密近双星和3个椭球变星(ApJS,2015,217,28);(2)10个类木行星候选体(ApJS,2014,211,26).我们求解了掩食双星和行
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冬季南极磷虾群昼夜垂直移动方面的知识可为其渔场形成机制研究提供基础数据,并为其越冬策略研究提供参考。基于2013年冬季南乔治亚岛南极磷虾渔业调查期间收集的相关数据,本研究对冬季南乔治亚岛南极磷虾群昼夜垂直移动进行了研究。结果表明,磷虾群平均深度维持在表层以下100-300m 之间,磷虾群最深出现在日升时分,而最浅则出现在夜间时分;随7-9月份的推移,磷虾群所处水层不断加深。夜间、白天和黄昏时段磷虾
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