Microwave-assisted hydrodistillation based on natural deep eutectic solvent for extraction and analy

来源 :2018年中国质谱学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumingshichenchen
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  Natural deep eutectic solvents(NADESs)as functional liquid media have received increasing attention in recent years,which are directly composed of natural products.
人体新陈代谢的部分产物经由血液运送至肺部,在肺泡内通过气体交换出现在呼出气体中。呼出气中含有近千种痕量挥发性有机代谢物(VOMs),如酮、醛、醇、烃及含硫化合物等,这些VOMs 反映了机体的代谢和病理状况,其中一些物质甚至可作为疾病的生物标记物。
尿液作为一种可非侵入式采集、易于获取的生物样品,含有大量的小分子挥发性有机代谢物(VOMs)。这些VOMs 与人体生理及病理状况密切相关,其中一些VOMs 可作为某些疾病,如糖尿病、肺癌等的重要生物标志物,为疾病的快速筛查提供重要信息。
Replacement of capillary with solid substrates for sample loading and ionization has created many new possibilities for electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(ESI-MS).
Water radical cations are known to play a crucial role in atmospheric science due to their high reactivity hydroxyl radicals and hydrated electrons production [1-4].
A multiplex on-bead isotope dimethyl labeling method was developed for the quantitative analysis of sulfonamides(SAs)in environmental water samples by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectr
Identifying the occurrence of organic chemicals enriched in fly ash produced during secondary copper smelting is important for understanding the mechanisms of notorious dioxins and inhibiting their fo
铊(Tl)是一种典型的高毒性的微量重金属,其毒性甚至超过Pb、Cd 和Hg 等常见元素。本研究利用ICP-MS(电感耦合等离子体质谱仪)测定了硫铁矿冶炼区废渣以及硫铁矿采矿区洗矿渣和尾矿渣共13 个固体废渣中Tl、Co、Ni、Cu、Rb、Sr、Mo、V、Cr 和Mn 等10 种重金属元素的含量。
Azodicarbonamide(ADC)and benzoyl peroxide(BPO)are utilized as wheat flour additive and dough conditioner.
采用直接液体萃取-电喷雾质谱技术(Direct Liquid Extraction-Electrospray Ionization,DLE-ESI)耦合团队自主研发的高分辨大气压离子源飞行时间质谱仪(API-TOFMS)建立了直接快速筛查蔬菜中氨基甲酸酯类农药的新方法。