Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analyses of Rice Pistils during Pollination

来源 :第十届全国植物结构与生殖生物学学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanmh
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  Pollination is a critical step that can determine the rate of seed setting.Compared with those of the self-incompatibility (SI),the mechanisms of compatible pollination are still largely unknown.Previous studies mainly focused on the gene expressional profile of stigma or pistil rather than its dynamic changes during the pollen-pistil interaction.In this study,the deep-sequencing based transcriptomic technique,iTRAQ and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis based quantitative proteomic techniques were combined to analyze the dynamic changes of gene expressional profile in rice pistil during the pollination.After bioinformatics analysis,RNA-Seq results yielded a total of 963 genes that exhibited significant (FDR<0.001) and differential (ratio value >2 or <0.5) expression.iTRAQ and 2D-MS separately yielded 145 and 41 differentially expressed proteins.Among those,we found that fine-tuning of the biochemical and physiological cellular environment is crucial for reproductive success.Our study provides a temporal and spatial gene expressional profile of pollen-pistil interactions,which will help us to obtain a more comprehensive view into the gene expression networks and biochemical pathways during the plant sexual reproductive process.
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