Feed Additive Strategies to Replace Antimicrobial Growth Promoters and to Establish a Responsible Us

来源 :中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养分会第七届中国猪营养学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kobe20060121
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  The rapid development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human health care urges the need for effective strategies to reduce antibiotic use in animal production.The Netherlands and Denmark have already implemented successful strategies to reduce antibiotic usage in animal production, which includes the EU ban on antimicrobial growth promoters in 2006 and various additional measures to lower prophylactic and therapeutic use.In the Netherlands, an encouraging reduction in prevalence of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) producing E.coli in broilers has been observed.Part of the success of the reduction in antibiotic use may be attributed to the wide application of selected feed additives and combinations thereof targeting intestinal microbiota and immunity.The toolbox includes for example organic acids, pre-and probiotics, phytochemicals and enzymes.Productivity and health responses can be obtained in animals similar to those reported for antimicrobial growth promoters by improving microbiological quality of drinking water and feed,stabilization of the intestinal microbiota and enforcement of the mucosal barrier of the host.Such strategies have also shown the potential to lower the prevalence of Salmonella in poultry and swine production.Regulatory recognition of the prophylactic effects of feed additives in animal health should further facilitate the progress to reduce AMR.
目的:猪细环病毒1型(TTSuV1)是一种新近发现的具有潜在致病性的DNA病毒,猪繁殖与呼吸综合征(PRRS)是由PRRS病毒(PRRSV)引起的一种严重危害养猪业的传染病.本研究用SYBR Green
目的:将空肠弯曲菌肠菌素受体蛋白CfrA编码基因导入食品级乳酸乳球菌表达系统,将构建的重组乳酸乳球菌口服免疫鸡,达到降低空肠弯曲菌在鸡肠道中定植的目的. 方法:利用PCR
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