The problems of traditional and phylogenetic taxonomy of fungi

来源 :2008年中日及泛亚太地区菌物学论坛(China-Japan Pan Asia Pacific Mycology For | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:scholar165
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  More than twenty years ago it was said that, in mycological taxonomy, the rift between traditional morphology and molecular phylogeny remains unbridged.In this opposition, the contrast seems to exist between morphology and phylogeny, as well as between traditional and molecular.However, the real opposition concerns traditional and phylogenetic metho dologies.The current taxonomic system, based on the hierarchy of Linnaean ranks is stated to be not satisfactory.People insist that the very concept of rank should be eliminated, and the current taxonomic system should be replaced with a rankless system based on phylogenetic taxonomy.Unfortunately, the rankless system means the return to chaos that has existed before Linnaeus when he introduced a very fruitful idea of the hierarchical ordering.The very concept of rank could not be eliminated, since the high or low position of characters reflects the existence of a certain natural scale.It is the evolutionary line of appearance of completely new characters in time.It is not the elimination of the very concept of rank, but the correct ranking of characters will promote stability in taxonomy.The first problem of both traditional and phylogenetic taxonomies is the chaotic employment of differences which leads to the segregation of non-comparable groups.However, traditional taxonomy has the sprout of method for the rank coordination.It is carried out by the special weighting of differences between tentative groups.On the contrary, the phylogenetic taxonomy does not provide for the comparison of tentative groups to check their rank equality.The second problem of both traditional and phylogenetic taxonomies is the employment of internal polymorphism of genera and families for the re-unification of species into new taxa.However; unlike the traditional taxonomy, phylogenetic taxonomy does not take into account the law of homo-logous variation and creates highly heterogeneous taxa when snatching very similar species from different genera, families, even orders.Two further problems concern exclusively phylogenetic taxonomy.First, it is the dichotomous representation of relationships, and this is the main cause of demanding a large number of ranks to classify complex phylogenetic trees.However, another picture of speciation can illustrate the appearance of equally ranked taxa.Second, it is the demand to use only apomorphies for the unification of species into higher taxa that increases the number of heterogeneous groups.When taxa are coordinated correctly at some level, they are usually arranged in a combinatorial space of character states.In this space, one state combination represents only plesiomorphies, one-only apomorphies, while all others are the mixture of primitive and advanced states in different degrees.
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